Privacy Policy

Who we are

Trivia Explore is a project of Magnore e-Learning.

Our web address is:

Fiscal identity: MAGNORE SL

Postal address: CARRER AUGUST 28, 1-1, 43003 TARRAGONA

E-mail: [email protected]


This website uses cookies to improve the user experience. This use is necessary to register and customize the trivia for each user.

Purpose of treatment

On our website, we ask for your zip code, country and mailing address to personalize your experience and allow you to access the game more than once, remembering your progress and generating badges on your behalf.

Your data will not be used for marketing purposes. They will only be used for statistical purposes or to confirm benefits.

With whom we share your data

We inform you that your data will not be transferred to any other company.

What rights do you have over your data

As an interested user, you may request the exercise of the following rights before MAGNORE SL by submitting a letter to the postal address in the header or by sending an email to [email protected], indicating as Subject: “LOPD, EXERCISE RIGHTS TRIVIA MAGNORE”, and attaching a photocopy of your ID card or any analogous means in law, as indicated by law.

You have all your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation and portability.

Date of update: 3/2/2023

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Create an account and become a true explorer

Crear cuenta
The rest of the players will be able to see this name. This date can no longer be changed.
It will be required to access the games.
In case you lose your password, you can recover it.
What country do you live in?
The postcode of the place where you usually live.

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